Damien Allard

| Wayward Knight | Exiled Son |


Name: Damien Allard
Place of Birth: Ishgard
Race: Hyur (Midlander)
Age: 28
Height: 6" (1.8 m)
Build: Athletic
Residence: Itinerant
Occupation: Knight
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Voice Reference: Zhongli - Genshin Impact (Keith Silverstein)


A Hyur hailing from the frigid heights of Ishgard, Damien is a fair-skinned Hyur tall in stature. Dark umber hair crowns his head, parting slightly in the middle and swept towards the back. Carrying sharp facial features he sports roguish stubble giving himself a rougher appearance. In contrast, Damien's eyes are a gentle silver that can appear blueish in certain light.A dark knight, Damien adorns himself in dark-clad armour reflecting simplicity and practicality. Embracing a mixture of hardened steel plates, mail and leather the Hyur's armour is balanced between protection and mobility.


Straightforward and to the point, Damien can be quite abrasive and blunt. He acts as his conscience directs him, disregarding what others may think of him. Unbothered by others' opinions Damien may seem cold at first. However, beyond his cold demeanour lies a kind man. To the lucky few he considers close allies or friends, he displays a warmer side beyond his abrasive attitude. Yet, in his pursuit to undo the wrongs of the world, Damien will cross the line to accomplish his goals, even if his actions lead him to become a pariah to others.


The eldest child of House Allard, Damien's childhood was typical for children growing up in the nobility. Private tutors educated the young Hyur in all manner of subjects to curate an heir worthy of his house. Outside of his studies, Damien also took up the sword at a fairly young age, proving himself adept in swordsmanship, eventually squiring under a knight of House Fortemps. In his adolescence Damien grew into his role as heir to his house, balancing his duties from home and his service to Ishgard as a knight of his nation. Despite his clear road to becoming Lord of his house, fate had another path for the Hyur. An event in his late teens cost Damien greatly. Disowned and exiled from his family for his transgression, the Hyur was cast aside like scraps; now an outcast in a nation he holds dear.


Minor Noble: Firstborn and former heir to the minor noble family of House Allard, Damien had a typical childhood fit for the noble class. Perhaps you've encountered him in the past before his exile or know of his family.Knighthood: Despite being exiled from his house and losing his status as a noble, Damien's knighthood was kept intact, partly due to his mentor in House Fortemps protecting the Hyur.A Darker Path: An outcast with no home, Damien travels where the wind takes him. Brandishing a crude greatsword and donning black-clad armour, the knight stays true to the vows he swore to. Protecting the weak wherever he goes, even if some lines must be crossed.

Out of Character

Thanks for taking the time to read this card! It is still a WIP and more will be added later!Feel free to send me a tell if you want to discuss any hooks or to set something up!Open to Discord or In-game RP, but I'm currently juggling a part-time job + Full time university scheduling so best to set things up and discuss plans in advance.Damien is an alt-character of mine. My main can be found here: Roderick MallisterHome Server: MateusTimezone: PST